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Rogue Stud Page 6

  I waited for a few minutes while George ran into his office to make a few calls, presumably to Keira’s personal phone.

  There was a girl sitting at a desk outside Keira’s office and I noticed the way she looked at me. I knew that look well. It was exactly the expression other chicks had on their faces when they liked what they saw and weren’t shy to show it.

  I went up to her desk and she followed me closely with her eyes.

  “Everett Baker,” I said, leaning on her desk with one elbow.

  “I know who you are. I’m Alisha.”

  “Why are you sitting out here?” I asked and she rolled her eyes.

  “Because I’m her assistant. Keira Cunningham’s. I heard and saw everything, and I want you to know how angry it made me. She had no right to turn you away.”

  Clearly, Alisha and Keira didn’t get along. I smiled at her, leaning even closer.

  “No, she didn’t, and I want to find her and tell her exactly that. You know where she is?”

  She shrugged her shoulders, looking past me at George’s office door.

  “She said she was going to visit her brother. She visits him a lot.” Once again, she rolled her eyes, like seeing someone’s brother was a crime.

  “Do you have an address for his place?”

  Alisha smiled, knowing she was doing something naughty, and tapped her keyboard multiple times. Then she started copying something off the computer screen in front of her, tearing the note off and handing it to me.

  “Just don’t tell her how you came across it,” she said.

  It was an address—clearly, Keira’s brother’s address. This was an obvious breach of privacy, and it wasn’t going to take a genius to figure out the possible ways in which I’d acquired it. Alisha was clearly not a critical thinker.

  But I didn’t give a shit about her. I just wanted to find Keira, and surprising her at her brother’s place would be the perfect opportunity to corner her in a vulnerable position. I needed to show her she couldn’t control me. She was the one working for me and I had the upper-hand.

  Alisha had kindly written down Keira’s brother’s name too.

  Sean Cunningham appeared to live in a budget student accommodation off-campus, close to his college.

  I hadn’t told George I was leaving and hoped Alisha would do the honors. And I also hoped he wouldn’t call Keira in the meantime and alert her I was on my way.

  I wanted to surprise her.

  And when she finally opened the door to her brother’s apartment, she was definitely surprised.

  “Mr. Baker!” she exclaimed.

  I noticed the way her cheeks turned bright red. Her eyes narrowed—going from shock, to anger and frustration. It was the last thing she’d expected.

  “What are you doing here? Why are you here? What’s going on?” She fumbled with her words and I was pleased to see that I made her nervous. It made her more human. All this time, she’d put on a persona of being cold and calculating, a true professional PR shark.

  “I’ll answer all your questions if you stop calling me Mr. Baker. I keep thinking my father’s still alive and standing behind me.”

  Keira’s cheeks turned even more red. Mentioning my father made her uncomfortable. Her nostrils flared as she tried to compose herself.

  “All right…Everett, you need to explain yourself to me. This is…you’re violating my privacy by turning up here.”

  “I know, but I wanted to speak to you in person. I feel like we started off on the wrong foot.”

  Keira was still angry. I noticed the way she clenched her palms into tight fists.

  “Did Alisha give you this address? I knew I shouldn’t have told her where I was going. You know she’s going to lose her job over this. Because of you. I hope you’re happy.”

  I stepped up close to her, startling her a little. However, she didn’t back away into the apartment, but stood her ground. Our eyes locked and her fleshy lips pressed tightly together. I wanted to taste those lips. My cock throbbed in my pants. This woman made me feel alive again. I’d felt empty for so long.

  “Yeah, I don’t care if she loses her job. I don’t care about her. I care about getting you to work for me.”

  “I thought you didn’t want my help.”

  “No, I don’t. But as it turns out, I need it.”

  Our faces were very close together. I could have touched her if I wanted to. I was going to, but we were interrupted.

  A young guy in a wheelchair rolled up behind Keira, looking curiously at us standing there at the door.

  “Hey, I’m Sean, do you want to come inside and talk?” he suggested.

  Yeah, it was exactly what I wanted to do.



  I was annoyed with my brother for inviting Everett into the apartment. It was absolutely preposterous he’d shown up here. This was my private space. Sean’s private space and I still couldn’t believe Alisha had exposed me like this. She didn’t deserve the second chance I gave her. I was definitely firing her the moment I returned to the office, but what was I going to do with Everett in the meantime?

  Sean and him chatted like they’d known each other for a while.

  Everett had instantly noticed Sean’s music collection. Old discs, cassettes and vinyl records covered most of the space in this tiny apartment, and it seemed like Everett shared Sean’s taste and interest in music.

  They were so engrossed in talking to each other that neither of them had said a word to me.

  I just stood there, stewing in my own anger and frustration.

  My attraction to Everett became even more apparent to me now, not that I had any doubts so far. As much as I hated the fact he’d shown up here like this, I couldn’t deny I was excited to see him again.

  It was like every time I thought it’d be the last time I set eyes on him, he appeared in my life out of the blue once more. Just to leave me desperate and breathless for more.

  I knew I couldn’t work with him, even though he seemed to have changed his mind about working with me.

  If we had met under different circumstances, would I have made the mistake of giving in to my sexual desire for him? I probably would’ve.

  Sean showed Everett some CDs, part of his prized collection. I glared at them, waiting for them to notice my presence in the room.

  They didn’t. For the longest time. They were laughing and admiring the CDs. Sean even popped a disc in his music player. Everett bobbed his head to the music while Sean commented on the lyrics and the bass.

  None of it interested me. I had no idea what the big deal was. I was getting impatient now because I wanted Everett gone. I needed him gone.

  The longer he stayed here, the more irrational my thoughts became.

  I saw a different side of him. A softer, friendlier, more normal side of Everett Baker which I never would've guessed even existed.

  Sean was quite picky with people. He didn’t warm to strangers easily, and yet, even he hadn’t been able to escape Everett’s easy handsome charm.

  If all those people writing shit about him on the internet actually got to see him like this—up close and personal, they’d be floored by him too—that, I was sure of.

  “Okay, we need to talk. Party’s over,” I declared. I had to shout to make myself heard over the music. They both turned to me, looking a bit disappointed. But it was time to get down to business.

  We left Sean with his music, while Everett followed me into the bedroom. I needed to speak with him in private and get all my thoughts out.

  Sean’s bedroom was small and cramped. With the bed in the middle, there was barely any space for us to stand there together. Once the door was closed and we were alone, it felt like a terrible idea.

  I breathed in his air, the smell of his aftershave. His blue eyes looked bright and dark at the same time as he stared at me. We stood so close to each other, I was afraid of accidentally touching him.

  I knew I’d lose all control of myself if we

  “Okay look, I know I’m pushing it far by turning up here, but I needed to talk to you and I needed to see you as a real person,” he said.

  “See me as a real person? What is that supposed to mean?”

  “You’ve built up this fortress around yourself. From the moment we met, when you waited in my room for me to wake up, you established yourself as someone untouchable. I needed to see a human side of you, so when I heard you’re visiting your brother, I thought it would be perfect.”

  Everett’s voice was calm and smooth like caramel, seeping into my pores, taking a hold of me. My body was awake. I felt a shudder running down my spine as he inched closer to me.

  “I don’t know what you’re trying to achieve because we can’t work together,” I replied.

  “Yeah, I don’t work well with anyone, so it’s going to be tough for everyone concerned. But it looks like I need help. I didn’t want to admit it, but I’m seeing it now. Grudgingly.”

  “I can refer you to someone else in the company. Someone with even more experience than me.”

  Everett stood tall over me. I wanted to run my fingers over his chest. I wanted to feel his muscles. Those washboard abs. He was so sexy it physically hurt me to keep looking at him.

  “I don’t want to work with anyone else,” he said.

  Even those words hurt. I didn’t know what they were supposed to mean.

  “Why not? Things between us are…”

  “Volatile,” he admitted, finishing the sentence for me.

  Yeah, he had that right.

  I felt my throat closing in. My words choked me up. I couldn’t get them out. And I couldn’t move either.

  His eyes moved all over me though, taking me in and I was afraid I’d fall. Slip and fall right into his arms. This was insane. I’d never felt this out of control before.

  “But you’re the best in the business, right?” he asked.

  “I don’t know if I’d describe myself as that…” I blushed. This guy made me blush repeatedly. I thought I was stronger than that!

  “Okay, well, everyone else is describing you as that. And I’m not going to be satisfied with anyone less than the best.”

  I breathed in sharply, just as he lifted his hand up to my face. With the back of his fingers, he brushed my cheek.

  That was it. His touch was as good as a match lighting a fire. I felt the sizzle inside my body. My lips parted and Everett leaned into me.

  Our mouths met and I gasped…embarrassingly loudly. Then I melted into him and there was no turning back.

  His hand was in my hair, stroking and caressing it softly. Almost too gently. I didn’t expect a man like him to be this gentle. He took me by surprise and I melted even deeper into him.

  His mouth wasn’t so gentle though.

  He used his lips to pry my mouth open, then thrust his tongue in to taste me. To explore every inch of me. I clung to him, falling into him. Wanting more and more.

  Our hips were pressed together. I felt him grow. Bigger and thicker.

  Just one day ago, I’d seen him almost completely naked and I’d fantasized about his cock. Now I felt it against me and it was a delicious feeling. I wondered if he felt how hot I was all over. That my pussy was dripping wet.

  His hands traveled from my hair to my ass. He cupped me tightly, pushing me up against him. He kissed me like a man who knew how a woman wanted to be kissed. He didn’t hesitate. He took what he wanted and knew how to handle it.

  Then all of a sudden, I allowed my mind to register Sean’s music still playing in the background. It was the reminder I needed of where we were—in my little brother’s bedroom!

  I was rudely jerked back into reality and I pulled away with another embarrassing gasp.

  Everett didn’t look surprised. He expected it. In fact, he had a smile on his face. I was breathless and needed a few moments to compose myself.

  This was wrong.

  Everything that could have gone wrong between us, had happened.

  How were we going to work together now? There was no way…

  “So you’re going to do it? You’re going to help me out of this damned mess?” he asked. Everett spoke like the kiss had never happened between us. He held his hand out for me to shake.

  What the actual fuck?

  Were we just supposed to forget about the kiss? About the fact we’d practically ripped each other’s clothes off?

  I breathed in deeply, allowing some air to fill my lungs again. I fixed my eyes on him and then crossed my arms over my heaving breasts.

  “If you want to take my professional advice, then you need to get yourself a respectable girlfriend,” I said.



  What the fuck was she talking about? Did I hear her correctly? She wanted me to get a girlfriend?

  The kiss we just shared was explosive. I could still taste her on my lips and I wanted more. But it looked like she crashed straight back into reality and dragged me down in the process.

  “What did you just say to me?” I growled.

  Keira was able to compose herself very quickly. Her lips were still pink from the force with which I’d kissed her, but she held her chin up high.

  “It’s not unheard of, you know? Getting a girlfriend. Lots of people do it and it’s time for you to try it out for yourself.”

  She pushed past me. Our shoulders brushed and I felt that electricity again. I wanted to grab her and push her down on her brother’s bed and give her a taste of what I wanted to do to her in my own bedroom. But Keira wasn’t stopping, she was already headed for the door.

  “You want me to get a girlfriend? Like, find a girl to be in a relationship with?”

  She looked over her shoulder at me with her brows arched high.

  “Don’t worry, it’d just be for show.”

  “You want me to get a fake girlfriend? Are you kidding me?”

  “No. This is not a joke. This is serious business. Your reputation is at stake, and so is the success of your family business. More importantly, I take my job very seriously.”

  I moved towards her and she opened the door, almost like it was a cautionary step. She didn’t trust us to be alone together.

  The music Sean was playing blared louder into the room through the open door now.

  “This is your big plan? To hook me up with some chick I’m supposed to play house with?”

  “It’ll only be for a few months, until all this dies down. I’m sure you can manage a relationship for a few months.”

  Was this some kinda challenge? Was she trying to play some reverse-psychology on me? Because it wasn’t going to work. I wasn’t falling for that shit.

  “If you want us to work together, Everett, if you want my help, then you have to accept my ideas. I have a plan but it’ll only work if you’re cooperative.”

  “All good, you guys?” Sean called from the other room.

  “Yeah, it’s all good, we’re leaving now,” Keira said. She turned to me again.

  “And just so you know, please don’t assume that you’re friends with my brother now. I like to keep my private life private. You’re not invited to it.”

  She walked back out to speak to her brother, leaving me hanging.

  This was my fault. I was the one who’d insisted on working with her when I could’ve worked with any other PR expert in the country. But it was too late now. I was already hooked.

  Sean and I shook hands before we left his apartment. Keira watched us like a hawk. She meant it when she said she didn’t want us becoming friends.

  I stood at the door while she had a quiet moment with her brother. This was a side of her which she clearly hid from everyone else. Her face had softened when she spoke to him. She was suddenly a very different person around him.

  It was clear to me that she cared very much about him, he meant a lot to her, while he tried to shrug off her affection and concern like any other grumpy teenager would.

  “You sure y
ou’re going to be okay?” she asked and Sean eyed me nervously.

  I sensed he wanted to impress me. He wanted me to look at him as a capable adult. Someone I’d want to hang out with.

  And I liked him. We shared similar interests. He was a good kid and he’d grow up into an even cooler adult; I could tell.

  However, his sister wouldn’t want me influencing him in any way.

  “What are you talking about? I’ll be fine, Sis.”

  Keira glared at him like she was trying to communicate something with him. Something they were probably discussing before I got here.

  As much as I wanted to show her that I didn’t give a shit—I cared about her privacy. I felt a little guilty I’d barged in on a personal family moment between them. But I was also glad I’d seen this side of her.

  “Okay…Sean. I’m going to go, but you…you call or text if you need anything.”

  Her brother nodded but said nothing, turning to me instead.

  “Maybe I’ll see you around,” he said.

  “Yeah, maybe you will,” I replied with a smile. Beside him, Keira’s eyes burned up with a warning to me. No way she’d let us hang out again.

  She strode past me and out of the apartment.

  “Come on, let’s go.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked.

  “We need to fine tune the plan.”

  “You have a plan?”

  “Of course I have a plan. I know exactly what I need you to do and it’ll work too, as long as you listen to my plan and follow it closely.”

  “So you want me to make you the boss of me?” I asked with a grin.

  I followed her down the stairs while she bounded ahead of me. Almost like she didn’t want me catching up with her. But this way, I got a good view of her ass in that black tight dress she wore today. Fuck. I needed to feel her body again. I was like an addict desperate for the next hit.

  Keira stopped and flipped around to me.

  “Yeah, I like that idea. From this moment forward, I’m the boss and you have to do everything I say.”